Thursday, November 8, 2007

"She's a Hotty"

I can hear you saying "who is a hotty"?
The answer to that is "I am a hotty".

How did I come to this conclusion? The story goes like this:

My hubby is the most adoring husband that there is and that is great. It keeps us happy. He decided one day a long time ago that the grandchildren should learn the phrase "Grandma is a hotty". This is very flaturing coming from my hubby because he thinks I'm a real catch. Yes, I can hear you thinking poor guy but the truth is that is how he feels. I don't know why and I don't get it but there it is and it makes our marriage a happy and secure one. Anyway, when hubby asks the kids "what is grandma" and they reply "Grandma is a hotty" it makes us laugh. (There are exceptions to that, like when they are running through church saying "Grandma is hotty", that is embarrassing.) The reality is that although my hubby thinks that I'm a hotty I do realize that in the real world that is simply not true.

Well today, I am a hotty. Yes, as young as I am, I am experiencing the dreaded heat that comes with age. HOT FLASHES! If this heat wave does not end soon, I may go crazy. And I mean wave because they just hit me full force like a wave in the ocean. I end up just as wet, it's just missing the refreshing part. Anyway, today and actually for the last 2 days I have become a hotty and let me tell you "it's no great shakes". If this is the only hotty I'm going to experience, and I'm positive that it is, then I think that I'll just pass. Some things are just over rated.

What about you. Are you a hotty or are you a "Hotty"?


Anonymous said...

This is so funny. I haven't laughed so hard for a long time. It's great.

airingon said...

Thanks for stopping in.
It sure puts a new perspective on being a "hotty". It doesn't really hold much appeal does it?LOL
Here is one more strange little thought on this topic. At some time in our lives, as women, we will all be a "hotty" so we can take comfort and know at some point we'll hit the chart.
So, we should hold our heads high and know that really those other "hotties" don't have anything on us.LOL