Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Reader's Digest or a Novel?

I have come to realize as I have been posting these last few times that I am becoming a novel in my posts.

Around our house we have this saying that when you go on and on about the details of something, you are giving the novel version of the topic. This came about when my Hubby one day was listening to me tell what ever was utmost important to me that particular day and stopped me in the middle to ask, "could you give me the Reader's Digest version and not a novel? I have things that I have to get done." Since that time it has been a part of how we assess a persons personality.

I am a novel and like to have all the details plus feelings and anything that may have led up to that important moment. I like to know all and when I tell things tend to think that others would like my novel version as well. My Hubby, on the other hand is a Reader's Digest version. He likes to get all the facts in the condensed version of what ever is happening. He likes to solve problems and the facts will give him all the info he needs to get the job done.

So I find myself wondering if those of you who take the time to read these blogs are Reader Digists or Novels? I'd love to know.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

I'm a little of both. Sometimes you just gotta have all the details and backstory and emotions. Other times it's just tell me basic and I'm done.

But in the blogging world, I'll read it all. :-) If I have to, I'll come back the next day to finish. ;-)