Monday, September 24, 2007

hair day dilemma

Today is the day to discuss my hair. I have often wondered why it is that we women always put the cutting of our hair at the last of the haircutting priority list. Have you ever wondered why we do that?

I'm always amazed at how I, and maybe I'm the only one, put every one's hair cuts above mine. Not only do I do that with my family, but I even do it with the dog. Yes, can you imagine that? I actually let the dog get beautiful before me. I still can hardly believe it. Some of you may be saying "now there is something I'd never admit," but since this is my blog for airing on about those things that I contemplate, this one is my biggie today. (It's amazing what comes to mind in the shower. lol) Here is how mine unfolded.

I am not a morning person. That makes starting the day very difficult and that includes getting to work. So, I do all I can to make the "getting ready to start the day" seem as painless and the least time consuming as possible. A few months back I came up with the great idea that really short hair was the way to go. I would often hear men talk about how their shaved heads were the best because they could shower and towel dry their hair, then walk out the door. I figured that if men could shave their heads then why couldn't women have really short hair. Now, I'm married to a man who likes my hair a little on the longer side so when I mentioned that I was thinking of this kind of shaved look he was a little unimpressed. Anyway, I was on a mission to make the grooming time a lot less of a hassle.

You got it. I took the plunge and cut it off short. The new look took many of us a week or so to get used to, but now it is the perfect hair for me. It takes about 3 to 5 mins. a day, shaving off the grooming time by 5 or more min. Perfect, I thought. The down side is the growth of short hair and the length of time you have where it is looking acceptable. I happen to be one of those people who grows hair fast, so now I find myself in another dilemma; the dilemma of scheduling, and cost. It seems that I traded one problem for another and so that is how I found myself in the shower wondering who should have the first right to the hair budget. My Hubby, the dog, or myself? The dog turned out to be the first one to dip into the hair account and, because of my contemplation this day, I am going to be second. My hubby unfortunately will be third. (I feel a little bit of guilt but I'm sure it won't take long to get over it. lol)

Well, there it is. My crazy thoughts for this day.

Hope you have a great start to your day with interesting thoughts from your shower. I'd love to hear about your hair dilemmas. Catch you later on another day when my mind gets carried away on another of those strange topics.


Anonymous said...

Hair. I tend to just forget about mine. The days I landscape (3 days a week) are wonderful. Literally get up, dress, eat, brush teeth and go. I'd say that sounds like a man's start of the day. However, the days that I work more professionally (3 days a week), more time is required. I do confess that I am not fussy & so more often than not it ends in a ponny tail or some easy curling-iron bottom flilp-out.

Oh, the day to be old, senile, & have no cares in the world :-) Maybe I'm closer to the senile part than I think LOL


airingon said...


I love that you do the man's start of the day. "You Go Girl!"

Being senile would definately help with the dilemma of how you look cause then you wouldn't remember anyway. LOL

I hate to admit it but I'm probably closer than I care to admit. LOL

Shauna said...

I admit to begrudging those minutes spent infront of the mirror. Oh the sacrifice for beauty. *sigh* LOL!

at, senile? I bet that means we wouldn't have to cook supper. LOL!

airingon said...

If the senile means not having to cook supper then I have something to look forward to. LOL Cooking is not something that I get excited about. I could do without it. Thanks for pointing that possibility out.