Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today is the first day of my new life. My life as a blogger.

I'm not computer savvy and so this is a huge step for someone who gets almost paralyzed by fear of doing something that could get me in trouble.

My DH has always been close by to get me out of my computer messes that I often find myself in but this time I am doing something that will be all mine, as he has never blogged before.

Sooo.....here goes my first attempt at what I hope will be a fun way for me to air on about the crazy things that go on in my head. I understand that pretty much anything can go and that I don't have to be some great writer to be a blogger so I'm excited about the opportunity for me to say some of the things that I find myself contemplating that seem a little crazy to say out loud to anyone that I must see face to face on a daily basis.

I'm a women who is in the middle years of life; not the "over the hill" phase. I think at times that I can see the other side, and I'm sure that some may say I'm looking down the hill, but I like to think of myself as just getting to the crest, where I plan to spend a lot of time. I'm not quite ready to start the journey down. (Think that is possible? lol)

So, I'm setting up camp on my crest where I plan to stay for awhile. I hope you'll stop over and join my "campfire" discussions as I wait out the rest of the journey. BYOS (bring your own s'mores) and let's have some fun!


Shauna said...

Welcome to the blogisphere! I'm likin' the s'mores. Yum. The perfect breakfast, lunch and supper!

Shar said...

S'mores are definately a beautiful thing. I look forward to reading about some of your wild and crazy thoughts.

airingon said...

Thanks girls for stopping by. You two are my very first visitors and I'm so excited to have company.

You are right that s'mores are the perfect food because of the amount of chocolate that you put in. I love that I can control it and as you know chocolate is the perfect food.

I hope that you'll check in lots. It's going to be fun to see if you have as crazy and wild thoughts as I. I'm glad you liked my choice of snack.