Tuesday, September 25, 2007

to gray or not to gray, that is the question

Now that I've got the hair cut under control, another decision comes into play. That is whether or not to color my hair. When is the right age to let the gray start to show?

As I looked around I realized that there are not very many gray haired women. And of those that are gray almost all of them are the age of my parents. I'm a grandma (a young one. lol), so what does that say about my parents age? By the way my parents are not totally gray yet. They somehow managed to get the genes that don't give gray hair. They do have some gray or white but not enough for what their age is. Anyway, my question today is should I color or should I let my natural color come out?

Why is it okay for a man to be gray but a women is over the hill if she is gray? You see gray haired men with women who have beautiful color and that's okay, but when you see a gray haired women with a color haired man you take a second look and wonder what he sees in her.

Well, when I started my mission to get short hair I also decided that I should try letting my hair go to it's natural color and see if I could pull off the look. So far so good, only I am constantly telling people that I'm still hanging in there without color but I'm not sure if I'll make it. Why is it that now that my grays are starting to show I feel like I stand out like a sore thumb and feel I need to justify why I'm not coloring it?

I would like to know when is the right time for gray hair to be acceptable for women? When should we embrace our age without feeling that we are totally finished with being attractive?

I realize that there are many people out there that have found it easy to let go of what we think of as our youthful look. So how do you do it?

For now I'm continuing on with the "embrace your age theory" and I'll just have to see where it will end up. Here's to the mature look!


Shar said...

Stick with it! You can do it! Personally, I think that grey streaked, or fully silver hair looks awesome, as long as it's cut in a classy style that suits the person(not the poodle perm - I don't think that really suits anybody!) Grey hair gives such a distinguished look. I know that someday, I want to have a head full of silver hair cut just above my shoulders or just below my chin. Not that I'm anticipating the day, but I would like to believe that I will embrace it when it comes.

Hollywood has lead us to believe that women should never look older. Good grief! Take Demi Moore for an example. The lady's in her 40's and has had 2 kids. Am I to believe that the lack of grey hair, fine lines, wrinkles, and saging is natural? I think not. We all know that they has to have been some work done there.

Don't appoligize or feel the need to excuse the grey hair. Wear it with pride! It is a crown of wisdom!

airingon said...


Thanks for the encouragement!

Your right, I shouldn't have to appolize for the gray. I'll keep working on the "wear it with pride" part. It's harder than I thought it would be.

We'll just have to see if I can hang in there.

Shauna said...

When you can say, "forget society" and embrace your age and grey with wild abandon, there's a glorious freedom that radiates. There's a confidence that shouts, "this is me!" And it draws people and makes them wonder who this strong woman is that can embrace themselves so fully.

Keep going with the grey and "wear it with pride" as Shar said.

airingon said...

Thanks! I think I'll attempt to do just that, "embrace with wild abandon." By the way does that mean anything goes?

Shauna said...

Oh, most definitely! Leopard print, fish-net hose, leather pants, lacey tops, big bling. You name it, it goes. You can create a whole new style and be as outrageous as you want! It's called "embracing"! LOL!

airingon said...

Yes!, this "embracing thing" is starting to really take root. WATCH OUT WORLD, HERE I COME!