Wednesday, October 10, 2007

blind as a horse?

I was thinking about my need for glasses and how much I hate it.

I have always had great eyesight and still do when it comes to looking at distance but my short sight is getting worse at lighting speed. As I write this I am sitting at my computer without my glasses and thinking that if only my arms were longer I'd be able to see this screen much better. Yes, I know you are thinking just get up and put those glasses on, but (don't you just love buts) I'm in a hurry to get to work and while these thoughts are in my head I need to get them down because at my age thoughts come and go at an incredibly fast rate and once gone, often gone for good LOL.

Oh dear, I got off topic and now I've got to get back on and with my lost thoughts who knows where we'll end up.

Oh yeah, how I don't like my glasses. Well, because I don't need glasses for the majority of my days activities I put them off and on several times a day. My Optometrist thought that graduated lenses would solve my dilemma, sounded good to me. I went ahead and purchased them only to find that they have many varying sight lines and you have to get it just right. Oh, and to top it off the smaller the glass lens the smaller your perfect sight line is. You can imagine what has happened to me. I can hardly find the perfect place to hold my head so I can see when I look away and then a new position for when I read or do those really important things like, sign checks, credit card slips, or blog. (I'm sure that people wonder if I have a condition as they watch me trying to do those important tasks.) Anyway, that is why I am sitting here to day thinking how I wish I would not find my self becoming "blind as a horse", and becoming more and more dependant on these stylish, (yes stylish because we women are always concerned about our fashion statement) glasses and becoming more and more frustrated with this thing called aging. By the way, my optometrist informs me that it happens to everyone and there is nothing we can do about it. I don't think there is any laser surgery for this. (sigh!)

Anyone know why we use the saying "blind as a horse"?

Oh no, just glanced at the time and realize that I'm just a little late for work. Think the boss will fire me?

Catch you later!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I also have those graduated lens and actually they cause me neck problems because I am always nodding my head up and down trying to find just that perfect line of sight that is clear. I use a different expression than you use: "blind as a bat" is the one I use because bats use sonar bounces to see at night. I think that is right because it sounds so intellectual. But blind is blind!! Have a great day "airing on" and I will phone you tonight.

airingon said...

It is nice to know that you have the same disease as me. At least I'm not the only one who others are watching and wondering what could be wrong with this women who has a twitch.

"Blind as a bat". That sound like the saying, maybe I've got it wrong. See what happens when you start getting older. I often tell the kids "imagine what I'll be like when I'm really old if I'm like this now." I think that they will still take care of me, but if they don't I may not know the difference anyway.LOL

Shauna said...

My son was watching me take out my contact lenses the other day. He was in complete awe! I said, "Dad may be able to flip his eyelids inside out, but I can take out my lenses." A look of rapt adoration crossed his face! LOL!