Friday, January 18, 2008

What is normal?

This blog is about what is normal? I know that there are many areas for normal but this one is just about time and what a normal day would look like for you. This is how most of my days play out. How about yours?

I had hoped to get time to post more often but it seems that life has a way of throwing us a few curves that change the best laid plans. This is not just typical of blogging but of most things in my life. I am forever planning to get all these things accomplished and I find that at the end of the day I'm lucky to get anything on my list done. There are some things that I purposely don't get done because of procrastination, so those I guess don't count. I know that I'm not a high energy person as so many people are but all that aside I still don't seem to find enough time to do all the things that I'd like to do.

Blogging is one of my favorite things to do but it seems that it gets set aside for the urgency of the moment. I find myself saying "when things get back to normal then I'll have more time."

That is when I realized that this is normal and that is why it is taking so long for me to get the time.

Please don't get tired of checking out my blog sight. I love to know that someone is out there reading them even though they aren't as entertaining as most blogs.

Anyway, this has got me thinking lately about what is my normal and what isn't?

Have you ever wondered what normal is?


Anonymous said...

Normal in our house is waking up in the morning and asking my husband what he would like me to do this day. We have a building business and are at the moment finishing a house to turn over to the new owners. He sometimes has a better grasp of what I, in particular, can do to speed things along. Pretty much the only thing I can be sure will be the same every day is breathing in and out.

Normal used to be feeding three kids, packing 3 lunches, until they were old enough to pack lunches themselves and waving as three kids climbed on a school bus. Oh bliss then the day was mine!!

Now normal is a surprise every day. There is always something DH can think of for me to do unless I don't want to then he graciously lets me stay home and read or watch CSI or do the business month end books.

I kinda long for the days of normal (kids still at home) but world beware DH and I are leaving NORMAL and entering a NEW NORMAL.

Have fun finding your NEW NORMAL !!
Go out and buy a new gadget and get your normal back - ha, ha, ha.


Shauna said...

Normal? Never heard of it. Certainly never experienced it. Not growing up in my family! Bwahahahaha!

airingon said...

You make your new normal sound like quite an adventure. Think I'll jump on the band wagon with you. Can't even buy a new gadget cause it means that it will be one more thing to pack away. Maybe normal will return when the house renos end.

I think I resemble that remark. LOL
If you can't find people like yourself then you just create them. That's why we had kids. Now there is just as crazy people to hang out with and best of all they think we're normal. Look out boys!!! Ha...Ha...Ha...!